November 24, 2013


वो ऊन के उलझे नरम गोले
जो लिपटे नारंगी के कसैले रेशों में
ऐसे बिखरे पड़े रहते मानो
छत की सूखी ज़मीन पर
पड़ी दरारों को मना रहे हों... कि 
धूप जाएगी, और तुम्हारी वेदना शांत होगी
एक दिन ...

बचपन की तो वेदना ही थी ना  ...
वो सफ़ेद बादलों से झांकती हुई मीठी सी धूप

अब देह तरस गयी है
पर कितना किलसेगी यह सोचकर... कि
अब उस ऊन का और
छत पे पड़ी उस टूटी चटाई का ...सहारा कहाँ ? 

October 28, 2013


ये जो क्षणिक सुख है तेरा
कभी ठंडी छाँव जैसा, या कभी सवेरा
कभी यूँ पतझड़ सा तुझसे बिछड़ना
कभी तेरी बातों की सिहरन में लिपटना
कभी तेरी शरारती हंसी में, आशाओं के अंकुरों का फूटना
क्या है ये सब बता?

ये जो क्षणिक माया है तेरी
बच्चों से अल्हड़ ख्वाबों से भरी
जैसे मेरे आईने में तेरी प्यारी सी झलक
कभी मेरे होठों पर तेरी यादों कि कसक
कभी तेरी सूनी साँसों में मेरा वो पैगाम
क्या है ये सब बता?

ये जो क्षणिक दिन और रातें
जिनमें है तेरा रैन-बसेरा
क्षण मात्र का, कब तक रहेगा?
शायद ये कभी था ही ना अपना कहने को
मुझे पता है, तू कुछ नहीं कहेगा
पूछना बेकार है कि, क्या है ये सब बता?

February 17, 2013


The symphony of your game
Makes barren your dame
Carvings of such beautiful craters
On the insides of your favorite hater
What were you thinking?
The sun will set when the stars start blinking
Don’t let the meteors burn
Mate with the moon, because soon it’ll be your turn
To be the sun…

December 20, 2011

What’s that word again? …con…con…con…condom!

Wonders will never cease!

We all have our weird days, and I had another one of mine recently when my five girlies who are by the way in their early twenties, said to me, “We’ve heard about it, but have never seen one and… don’t really know how it works!”

Well, what is it?

….A Condom!

So they didn’t know the C of condoms. Now that’s a bit shocking, especially for someone who has been in the condom and safe sex promotion business for a while, talking about it all day and fetching a salary from it (yeah!). Their revelation almost had me knocked down and if ignorance is bliss, as some say, it can come with a baby or a deadly virus.

So why was I shocked? – Because we’re ladies, we have a uterus and it’s not 1924 anymore. If not anything else, we owe it to ourselves to take our lives in our own hands. If you decide to have sex, with whomever you want to, you should know the nearest supermarket or chemist shop, and definitely know how to put a condom on correctly. After all, what fun is sex if you’re left worrying afterwards about pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) –including HIV/AIDS!

Getting back to my story – Pushing my shock aside, we got straight down to business (the business of discussing safe sex) and I spilled the beans and cucumbers and bananas (Haa!); Consciously within the boundaries of friendly boasts, I threw a series of innocent banters at them and got them talking.

And so went the night when the Estro-Club revealed their outdated sex-ed status, and I felt like a sexed-up beacon. Thankfully with friends you can (and must!) take those few extra liberties and tell them what they need to know, before it’s too late. They will be embarrassed, but hey, who isn’t? Remember your first encounter with a condom advertisement? Or how you sat still when it flashed on your TV screen while you were having family time? Or even when you bought your first condoms?

In the end (or shall we say beginning?), why you need sex is definitely a no-brainer, but what you do before and during is something you might want to think about. And if you don’t know, please get to know. The deal is simple: know your sex stuff, be ready, use a condom and be on top (pun intended here!).

And by the way, I showed my girlies a condom... for starters. J

This article was published on the BBC World Service Trust website.

May 20, 2010

Leased Spaces

From a leased space to another it moves,
The soul perches, pining for mountainous hues,
Dwells in castles and bleeding towns,
Tasting tears and mending frowns.

Apropos it searches not for dunes,
Its eye hurts and braves misfortunes,
It searches for a distant relief,
Knowing that it’s but a mirage and sore belief

Though searching is never a refuge,
The lusty creed towers too huge,
Showing from behind the veil,
But, it always seeks for the grail.

Alas! The dainty soul,
Wouldn’t belong to any pole,
No patch or sky, no south, no mighty north;
Poor soul, shall ever be seeking forth.

March 28, 2010

Making me see my own light

Extracts from Kahlil Gibran’s romantic letters to a woman, taken from the book Love Letters from a Prophet, Ediouro
Mary, my dear Mary, how could you think that you are giving me more pain than joy?  Nobody knows for sure what the line is between pain and pleasure; I often think it’s impossible to separate them. You give me so much joy that it hurts, and you cause me so much pain that I get to smile.
I always thought that when someone understands us, they end us enslaving us because we expect everything to be understood. However, understanding has brought me peace and freedom more profound than I’ve ever experienced. In the two hours of your visit, you found a black spot in my heart, and touched him, and it disappeared forever- making me see my own light.
The days we were together were magnificent. When we talk about the past, we become more real in the present and future. For many years, I dreaded to look at what I had lived, and suffered in silence. Today I understood that silence makes us suffer more deeply. But you make me talk, and I find dusty things hiding in my soul, which I then pull away.  
We are both trying to touch the limits of our existence. The great poets of the past always worked themselves to Life.
They were looking for something specific, or trying to uncover secrets; they simply let their souls be overwhelmed by emotions. People are always seeking security, and sometimes do, but safety is an end to itself, and life has no end.
Poets are not those who write poetry, but are those whose hearts are filled with the holy spirit of love.  
Dear Mary: I am sending a parable that I finished. I have written little, and only in Arabic. But I would like to hear your corrections and suggestions on this passage:
In the shadow of a temple, my friend pointed out a blind man.
My friend said, “This man is a wise man.”
I approached, and asked, “How long have you been blind?”
“Since I was born.”
“I am an astronomer,” I said.
“Me too,” the man answered. And placing his hand on his chest, said, “I spend my life watching the many suns and stars that move in me.”

My only effort here was to type Gibran's words; words that are more than just words. 

February 20, 2010

Flight not false

With a reasoned stab
A self confessed sinister
Took flight below the sea
To change the unknown

Lesser did he know
That the wind was sharp
Right with a knife
To tear his heart

The seagull had a throat
A throat that pained
Not the salty wind
But the tears unkind

The matter didn't reflect
The thought grew too
But change never came
And wind became lead.

Hours passed and minutes remained
Though later 'twas named
The blow was not a blow
But a love in disguise

January 10, 2010


A cynical gaze into a cotton heart,
Questions asked grieving too hard.
Maketh me low with alphabetical blow;
Alas! THE emotion is sung, though so slow.

Greater the agony, higher my strife,
Higher the bitters, sharper my knife.
Come what may, life has revealed;
You are that which you concealed.


January 8, 2010

हज़ारों ख़्वाहिशें ऐसी कि हर ख़्वाइश पे दम निकले

हज़ारों ख्वाहिशें ऐसी की हर ख्वाहिश पे दम निकले,
बहुत निकले मेरे अरमान लेकिन फिर भी कम निकले ।

निकलना खुल्द से आदम का सुनते आये हैं लेकिन,
बहुत बेआबरू हो कर तेरे कूचे से हम निकले ।

मुहब्बत में नही है फर्क जीने और मरने का,
उसी को देख कर जीते हैं जिस काफिर पे दम निकले ।

ख़ुदा के वास्ते पर्दा ना काबे से उठा ज़ालिम,
कहीं ऐसा ना हो यां भी वही काफिर सनम निकले ।

क़हाँ मैखाने का दरवाज़ा 'ग़ालिब' और कहाँ वाइज़,
पर इतना जानते हैं कल वो जाता था के हम निकले।

- ग़ालिब

January 3, 2010

I am my origin

A radical shot
Out of a wild seed
In a scant wilderness
The dicot it was
Nurtured not
Just grew without concern.

It then became a shrub
Without knowing its fate
Why did it grow?
An immortal green.

The air had life
It nursed the green hard
Taught it pride.
The green became a tree.

The immortal it was
Blessed by cruel fate
Overshadowed all smiles
The change never came.

The tree overgrew
Into a wild beast
Engulfed every bit
Oh! No trace of hope.

The beast brought tears
Was unequal to none
Neither acknowledged blood
Nor anybody's love.

Until that one day
When eternity knocked
Asked the wild beast
Where did it come from?

The beast all set
The darling crook he was
Answered in no regret
"My genesis is unreasoned love".

November 23, 2009

RainS, RhymeS and RuinS

And there I walked again, past my cozy shell
Inside the world in Rain, turning the haze off
The drops too small, moistening my mane
Not just that, too low did they fall
The earth puffed up, looking so rough

Promised me a walk, on that familiar lane.

I walked past the known, right with myself,
Wondering too hard, are reasons insane?

The drop grew heavier, the Earth so full

Almost snatched the veil, that draped the bodice self

It slapped my face hard, refusing to be lame
The moment proclaimed, a thought inside the skull.

The matter never reflected, not at least too often
The drops in that hour, proved to be a solace
The life within the water, water within the shrine
Drops bearing clarity, preaching me a chapter.
As I stared too hard, deeper into the space
The drop seemed clear, like the thoughts divine.

The lines that were out, dispersed into colours
Seven wasn't the count, not that they were dull

The questions that remained, indifferent & profane
Not to me of course, but to the fellow strollers
Rarity overpowered and it wasn't a lull.
How did this ever happen? And it wasn't inane.

Theories are words, words are sham
When they sprout without a reason
I knew it wasn't me, it was the holy Other
Anyone but me, and every other glance
Wondering if they mean, anything but treason

If not the person, is it there to bother?

August 15, 2009


"Why not?", she asked.

"I don't have an inspiration. I had you before, but not anymore", he replied.

"So what different did I do then?"

(She never got her answer)

She told herself: When they were together she didn't do anything that could have added any value to him or his life in anyway. She thought so. She's still the same from what she thinks. And now that they are no more together, she doesn't see a difference in her actions as compared to the previous times. So what made the difference? What changed?

Nothing from her side, she thought. It was him who made the difference. It was his sole perception and image of her that changed and made the difference. His perception was different then, it voluntarily changed later. He believed her to be someone then, but not anymore. Though she's still the same from her side, to him, to herself.

He thought she was his muse, but that's past now. It's all about him and she's no where. Not that she's complaining, but only wondering that was she ever significant to him as a person or was she just an image that had a purpose? An image unaware of her own significance, if any. An image that was created by a mind to be discarded one day.

Just an image, a reflection.

The answer doesn't matter now.