I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes -Walt Whitman.
What Mr. Walt Whitman said then, applies to all the mortals, of all the centuries, all the anno dominies and all the before christs. CONTRADICTION is the commonest trait of all the human beings living in this universe.Infact, it is a linkage between all the races this earth has ever witnessed and shall witness in the future.
What Mr. Walt Whitman said then, applies to all the mortals, of all the centuries, all the anno dominies and all the before christs. CONTRADICTION is the commonest trait of all the human beings living in this universe.Infact, it is a linkage between all the races this earth has ever witnessed and shall witness in the future.
As the humans are evolving, they are becoming more intelligent & more learned, and this pigeonhole of the evolving intelligentsia is like a prairie where contradiction grows profusely. This abundance of contradictory disposition has bred what we call “HYPOCRISY”.
Hypocrisy is the biggest GIFT that contradiction has given to this mankind. There may be other gifts as well, but this one is above all. The most evil, the most wretched and the most hideous one. Hypocrisy is the epitome of negation. It is super derogatory and cruelest of all the words that describe a mortal. People hate being called a hypocrite, when they actually know the truth, their own reality.
I am a contradictory person myself and my being so is not an arbit choice or something, but is innate. I am acquiring some of its notorious version as I’m growing up and everyone else is too. So why being ashamed of calling yourself a hypocrite when you yourself know that you are one too.It’s like veiling and blindfolding your inner self.I know I am sounding shameless and obviously hypocrisy is not something worth flaunting and crying out to the world that OH!! Look at me. I have some higher standards and I pretend to be like that. But my dears… the point is ..why fool yourselves??? Why not accept it’s existence in your mind and soul. Why deny this very fact?? I may sound like a traitor and an intruder to your space, but you know what it is like….You must have heard people saying-Oh!!! You know what, I hate hypocrites and this world is full of them. On that, all I can is that, either they are saints or good at telling themselves lies. For me it’s like FAKING your “self”.
Hypocrisy is perfectly the most odious character reflected by a human being. It grows with age, grows inside, gradually, initially it is attenuating, and as we become more aware and more worldly and more wise, it grows profusely within and subtly mixes in blood, like oxygen…carbon dioxide maybe and becomes stable and remains there forever..
We humans exhibit duality and multitudinous personality. Humans are multiple in nature, they are all in one and one in all. It’s like I may be feeling sad, happy, disgusted, jealous and concerned at the same time without even realizing that. This multiple nature nurses HYPOCRISY. It makes one a big time preacher. I remember the other day when I was preaching my younger sister not to listen to ROCK justifying its maddening effects in my own words,and when I myself can’t live without it. I despise my overindulgence though, but can’t help it.. that is another issue, but the point is that I feel like a hypocrite when I do this.It's not a treason though but maybe the authority overshadows my concern here. Not just this, I have something more to say. Whenever I have an argument, I always refute others and always think I am right. Everyone does this. I call this hypocrisy, of some sort. I perceive contradiction in my own ways and people may agree or disagree. but then, I am with my interpretations. The point is not existence of hypocrisy but pain is about its non-acceptance. People believe in escaping out and all they say is WE ARE NOT HYPOCRITES without even realizing that their words are the evidennce. Isn’t that convenient ???...Sheer escapism…just twist the meaning, perceive it your ways, reach to a conclusion which is always-I AM NOT A HYPOCRITE, isn’t it???But acceptance is the only escape and people shouldrealise it.They should stop faking and misleading themselves.They should just acknowledge the reality.
When god made humans , he adjusted hypocrisy as a default attribute. So all the people who are reading this , I know, their self is nodding in acceptance but the stubborn outside is ready to lambast me for my lunacy, of calling them a hypocrite..
For all those and others…
I can recall a line from a famous song. It goes like this..
"Guess there's a Slim Shady in all of us, f**k it, let's all stand up."